Effect of using figure (V) maps on learn shot put throwing for middle school girls

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education .helwan university


Progress in the educational process has become evidence of the renaissance and growth of societies, as educational institutions seek to achieve the goal and purpose of the educational process with a high degree of efficiency and mastery. Therefore, it has become necessary to identify the best ways and methods that contribute to preparing the student physically, skillfully, cognitively, and emotionally in the fastest time and with the least effort. So that he can achieve the best results.

The research aims to identify effect of using figure (V) maps on learn shot put throwing for seventh-grade middle school girls in Kuwait, the researcher used the experimental method due to its suitability to the nature of the research and its procedures through experimental design with two groups pre and post for each group, the researcher choose research sample in a deliberate manner from school girls at Al-Khansaa Middle School for Girls where number of sample (34) student, and the most important results there are statistically significant differences between the averages of the two measurements experimental and control groups on learn shot put throwing for seventh-grade middle school girls in Kuwait, and the most important recommendations application of educational program using figure (V) maps on learning performance level of shot put throwing that contributes and participates alongside teachers in educational schools


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