The Effect of a 3D Educational Program on the Physical, Skill, and Cognitive Performance in Fencing

Document Type : Original Article


1 Martial arts and individual sports department, Faculty of physical education, helwan university

2 Faculty of physical education for girls

3 Helwan University


The aim of the research is to design a proposed educational training program using 3D models and determine its impact on some specific physical variables (reaction speed, ability, flexibility, agility, accuracy) in fencing with the foil weapon for female students . The research also assesses the skill level in the advance and retreat techniques in fencing with the foil weapon for first-year students at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls at Helwan University, as well as their cognitive achievement level in fencing with the foil weapon. The researcher employed the experimental method to align with the nature of the research, using a single-group experimental design. Measurement tools (pre-test, post-test, and follow-up test) were applied due to their suitability for the research nature and objectives. The research sample was selected from first-year female students at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls at Helwan University for the academic year 2022/2023, totaling 570 students. The sample was chosen through random purposive sampling, with the primary research sample consisting of 45 students, including 25 students from one class for the experimental group and an additional 20 students from another class for the normative and scientific transactions study. the researcher reached the following conclusions: The use of 3D models in teaching fencing skills for beginners has a positive effect on increasing motivation and enthusiasm for female students. The use of 3D models in the educational unit contributes to improving the physical, skill, and cognitive levels in fencing.


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