The effect of Educational program using virtual reality glasses to improve some ballet skills

Document Type : Original Article


1 Physical education at university of Bani suief

2 Faculty of Physical Education, Beni Suef University


The research aimed to determine the effect of an educational program using virtual reality glasses on improving some of the ballet skills under research. The research community consisted of (129) female students from the teaching department at the Faculty of Physical Education, Beni Suef University. The research sample was chosen intentionally and its number was (40) female students who were divided into (20) female students as a pilot sample, (10) female students as a control sample, (10) female students as an experimental sample. Both researchers used the experimental method because it was suitable for the research. They also used opinion poll forms and forms to evaluate the skills under research. The most important results were an improvement in the performance of female students in the post-test for both groups, and the superiority of the experimental group over the control group, which indicates the effectiveness of the educational program based on the use of virtual reality glasses for the sample under study.


Main Subjects