Analytical study of individual and total functional motion examination (FMS) scores for long jump players

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of physical education helwan university

2 helwan universityProfessor of the Department of Training Competitions in the Field and Track Faculty of physical Education for Girls - Helwan University

3 professor of Bio-mechanics Faculty of physical Education Mans University


The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) by Gary Cook and others is the most common screening tool used to objectively evaluate basic motor abilities and to improve the overall range of athletic performance, physical fitness, rehabilitation, and reduce the risk of injury in athletic individuals, and is used by specialists in sports. Sports medicine, fitness, and strength and conditioning program coaches to identify movement imbalances

This research aims to recognize functional motion screening scores (FMS) individual and college for long jump players, national club players from (14-16) years old, and the descriptive curriculum has been used to suit the nature of the research, the players of the national club of (14-16) Years and enrolled Egyptian Athletics Federation 2022-2023 (12) Players, aged 14-16 years, the sample of research was chosen in the deliberate manner from the players of the Al Ahly Club in Cairo governorate (14-16) years and 12 women players, reaching the base sample strength of the search (12) Player representing pilot research group, while reconnaissance sample reached (10) arising from the research community and outside the basic research sample.

Keywords :

Functional movement, long jump, athletics


Main Subjects