The level of health awareness of knowledge and health information on first aid among health club trainers "

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical education Helwan university

2 faculty of Physical Education for Girls, helwan university Sport Health

3 Faculty of Physical Education for Al-Jazeera Girls, Al-Helwan University


A person may encounter challenging circumstances and situations that materialise out of the blue. If that person possesses the necessary information, skills, and awareness to handle such circumstances and situations, it could potentially save that person's life—a precious gift. In order to appropriately address the nature of the research, the study "The level of health awareness of health knowledge and information related to first aid health club trainers." uses a descriptive approach to determine the level of health awareness of first aid knowledge and information among health club trainers. First aid knowledge and information were measured using the health awareness measure. The research sample was chosen at random from ten (10) health clubs located around the Cairo Governorate.
The study included 50 frequenters as an exploratory sample and 120 frequenters as the fundamental sample of frequenters to whom the research was applied. The sample's responses varied on the questionnaire's axes and on the scale's overall score (health awareness of knowledge and health information connected to first aid) for frequenters, according to the results. on fitness centres.


Main Subjects