Effect of Rehabilitation Program for Improved Muscle Strength and Balance of Working Muscles on The Knee Joint of cruciate Ligament of Volleyball Player

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of physical education for girls helwan university

2 Helwan University Sports Injuries and Sports Rehabilitation

3 helwan university


The aim of the research is to design a rehabilitation program and to identify how it affects the improvement of the muscle force and balance on volleyball players with the crusader bond.
The researcher used the experimental approach to adapt it to the nature of the research and to the application of tribal and telemetry as a pilot design for a single set to which the proposed rehabilitation program would apply.
Application of the proposed rehabilitation program:
The rehabilitation program was implemented in the period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2023 by (14) weeks with ( 3 ) units, bringing the number of rehabilitation units to ( 42 ). The average time of the rehabilitation unit was set at (40) minutes. The sample of the search was young volleyball players registered by the Egyptian Fleet Federation for the 2022th sports season, 2023th, and they The (6) players were divided into (5) players for the application of program ( 1) players for the reconnaissance experiment


Main Subjects