Job bullying behaviors and their relationship to the career path of faculty members and supporting staff Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Alexandria University

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education for girls


Occupational bullying behaviors appear and spread across society. If the bully finds a permissive work environment, a member who is silent about his rights, and many colleagues are committed to silence, and he has no deterrent, he goes ahead and continues to practice these behaviors that negatively affect the faculty members, the supporting staff, and the college. The research aims to find the relationship between occupational bullying. And the career path of the members of the teaching staff and the supporting staff at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls at Alexandria University. The researcher used the descriptive approach (survey method) to suit the nature of the research. The research community was selected from faculty members and supporting staff from the College of Physical Education for Girls, whose number reached (298) faculty members, distributed as follows: (89 full-time professors, 41 active professors, 11 full-time assistant professors, 48 active assistant professors, 1 full-time instructor, 56 instructors, 15 assistant instructors, 37 teaching assistants) The most important results were the absence of friendship relationships between work colleagues, the depression of the faculty member and the supporting staff, and their desire to One of the most important recommendations is the necessity of establishing mechanisms to reduce job bullying towards faculty members and the supporting staff at the Faculty of Physical Education through the following (creating internal regulations and regulations or penal procedures that would be a deterrent towards any bully, supporting social and psychological guidance for faculty members And the supporting body).


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