The effect of using learning hearts on the skill of shooting peacefully in a physical education lesson in the preparatory stage

Document Type : Original Article


1 Helwan University, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Gezira, Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods

2 Prof. Phsical education for girls

3 Helwan University , Curriculum and Teaching methods


The research aims to prepare an educational program using flipped learning and to identify the effect of the program on learning some skills in the physical education lesson. Recent studies are still investigating this direction, in an attempt to apply what is new from multiple educational media that serve the educational process, and it is also necessary to keep pace with progress in the field of education. In general, and physical education in particular, as well as taking advantage of the capabilities within schools and provided by the state to serve the educational process, and flipped learning is not just the use of technology in the educational process, but rather a situation in which appropriate and available technology is employed in order to enrich the educational process and improve student achievement.

The researcher used the experimental method by designing two groups, one experimental and the other control, to suit the nature of the research. The research sample was chosen intentionally and its number reached (37) female students. (13) control, (12) experimental, and (13) pollsters were chosen from within and outside the community. The basic sample, and the researcher surveyed the opinions of experts and specialists in the field of physical education, regarding special tests (basketball), muscular ability of the legs, muscular ability of the arms, flexibility, and accuracy.


Main Subjects