The impact of a recreation training program on some physical and skill variables among the junior players of the Second Star

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education, Kafr El-Sheikh University

2 faculty of physical education kafrelshikh university


Summary of the research
*Mohamed Nabil Abaza
**wessam samy Elsmelawy
"The Impact of a recreation Training Program on Some Physical and Skill Variables among Second Star Youth Players."
This research aims to identify the impact of recreation training program on some physical and skill variables among young stars swimmers of the second generation in the sample under study. The research sample consisted of 20 registered swimmers from El-Hawar Club for Sports Games in Mansoura, deliberately selected and divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group, each comprising 10 young swimmers. A survey study was conducted on a sample of 6 swimmers. The researchers used the experimental method suitable for the nature of the research. Subsequently, the researchers organized the data in preparation for statistical analysis. After statistical processing of the data, it was concluded that the rate of change between the pre-test and post-test measurements for the experimental group in the skill measurements under study ranged from 10.79% to 12.635%. Additionally, the rate of change between the pre-test and post-test measurements for the experimental group in the physical measurements under study ranged from 7.60% to 25.61%. The researchers recommend utilizing a recreation training program at various age stages for star swimmers.

*assistant professor at department of recreation – faculty of physical education- khafr elshikh university.
**lecture department training- swimming faculty of physical education- khafr elshikh university.


Main Subjects