Constructing the academic self-efficacy scale for female students at the College of Physical Education, Helwan University

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education for girls helwa university, Cairo , zamalek

2 Faculty of Physical Education helwan university el zamalek

3 Helwan university


Reasearch title: Constructing the academic self-efficacy scale for female students at the College of Physical Education, Helwan University.
Researcher's name: Fatma Abdel-Hafeez Ismail.
Supervisors' names: Prof. Magda Ismail, Prof. Mona Mohtar
Job title: Assistant Lecturer at the College of Physical Education,
The research aims to construct the academic self-efficacy scale for female students at the College of Physical Education, Helwan University, aged between 19-22 years. The descriptive approach with steps and procedures was used to suit the research nature. The research population was selected from female students in the four academic levels at the College of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University, for the academic year 2022/2023. The survey research sample consisted of 100 randomly selected students, aged between (19-22) years, from the four academic levels at the College of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University, to calculate the scientific coefficients of the scale. The primary research sample consisted of 300 students, . The scale consists of 7 axes represented by academic behavior, academic context, time management, achievement, cognitive skills, test handling, and evaluation, comprising 82 statements. The scale uses a three-point response scale (agree, disagree, sometimes) with corresponding scores (1, 2, 3), where positive statements are scored in the direction of the axis, and negative statements are scored inversely (3, 2, 1). The total score of the scale ranges from a minimum of 82 to a maximum of 246 points, The study results have shown the construction of the academic self-efficacy scale. The researcher recommends using the scale.


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