Marketing sports facilities in sports clubs in Menoufia governorate, according to the system (B.O.T)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Menoufia University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt


The research aims to market sports facilities in sports clubs in Menoufia governorate with a system (B.O.T), by identifying: 1/3/1/1 the actual reality of the capabilities of sports facilities in sports clubs in Menoufia governorate. 1/3/1/2 Legislation regulating the marketing of sports facilities in sports clubs in Menoufia governorate (BOT) system 1/3/1/3 obstacles to marketing sports facilities in sports clubs in Menoufia governorate (BOT) The researcher used the descriptive approach in the survey method with its steps and procedures, For its suitability to achieve research objectives. The research sample: The researcher applied the research questionnaire form to some sports clubs in Menoufia governorate with its nine departments, and the sample included the following: an intentional randomness representing 10% of the managers of some sports clubs and their number (5) managers _ _ an intentional random sample representing 10% of The members of the boards of directors are some sports clubs in Menoufia Governorate. They are 5 chairman, 50 board members. Thus, the number of individuals in the total research sample reached (60) individuals who were the questionnaire applied to them, and (15) individuals were excluded from the research sample and they were the ones who did not complete the answer to all the phrases of the questionnaire form, or who the researcher saw lack of interest in filling out the forms, This is in contrast to (15) questionnaire questionnaire for members of the legal sample. For a total of the actual research sample (45)


Main Subjects