Strategic Effectiveness (Predict - Note - Explain) associated with competitive learning style in achievement motivation and skill level of some squash skills for beginners

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Minia University, Minya, Egypt.


This research aims to attempt to identify the effectiveness of a strategy (forecast - note - explain) associated with competitive learning on achievement motivation and the level of skill performance of some squash skills (front straight strike, back straight blow, transmission) for beginners.
The researcher used the experimental approach due to its relevance to the nature of the current research, using the experimental design of two groups, one experimental and the other one, using the pre and post measurement for both groups.
The research community included beginners in learning squash skills in education schools in the squash and tennis courts complex at Minia University under (14) years in the training season 2016/2017 and they numbered (24) twenty four beginners, and the research was conducted on a random sample of (14) four Ten learners
They represent a percentage of (58.33%) of the research community, and it was divided into two equal groups, one experimental consisting of (7) seven learners who follow with them a strategy (predict - note - explain) associated with competitive learning, and the other is a control consisting of (7) seven learners who have followed with them The traditional "explanation and model performance" method is urged, and the researcher has selected the remaining (10) ten members of the research community as a survey sample.
In light of the research results, the researcher reached the following conclusions:
1- Predict (note - explain) strategy associated with competitive learning contributed in a positive way to developing achievement motivation and improving the level of performance of squash skills under discussion.
2- The "explanation and model performance" method contributed positively to the development of achievement motivation and the improvement of the performance level of squash skills under discussion.
3- The experimental group that used the strategy (predict - note - explain) associated with competitive learning surpassed the control group that used the "explanation and model performance" method in developing achievement motivation and improving the level of performance of the squash skills under discussion.


Main Subjects