Development of a Specialized Applications Course in Kinetic Expression for the Fourth Division (Education Division) in light of the quality standards and in accordance with the market requirements

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.


This research aims to develop a specialized applications course in kinematic expression for the fourth group (Education Division) at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls in Cairo in the light of quality standards and in accordance with the requirements of the labor market. The researcher used the descriptive approach based on the analytical survey, due to its suitability of the nature of this research. Experts: Their number reached (22) faculty members, and they are the entire research community, from the faculty members of the Department of Kinetic Expression and Kinematic Training at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University + a faculty member from the Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods and a faculty member from the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University. Divide them into (6) members for the exploratory study, and (16) members for the basic study. Female students: (25) female students from the fourth year students (Education Division) at a rate (52%) of the total number. Graduates: Graduates of the Education Division, numbered (30).


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