Differences and similarities in the tactical variants of the technique of attacking multiple surfaces of tennis courts

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Physical Education, Minia University, Minya, Egypt

2 Directorate of Youth and Sports, Minia Governorate, Minya, Egypt


The research approach has focused on identifying the differences and similarities in the schematic variables of the technical attack methods by multiplying the surfaces of tennis courts floors, and this requires achieving the following sub-goals: Determining the most appropriate offensive technical methods for each surface of tennis courts floors. Identifying the existing differences in the tactical variables of the attacking methods according to the surfaces of the tennis courts' floors. The research sample reached 751 games for 28 matches, 7 matches for the quarter-finals of each of the four tournaments for tennis professionals. Men within the limits of the procedures used and the results reached, the researchers recommend the following : With regard to competition on the crushed sandy surface: - 1 - The optimum use of overwhelming offensive transmission. 2- The priority of activating the attack method from the baseline due to the frictional sandy surface. 3- Focusing on the time of the technical orientation of the transmission strikes to the areas "1,3,2" for the transmission box, respectively. 4- Activate the basic attack pattern and use the ground stroke sequence. 5- Paying attention to the necessity of merging the movements of the feet with the side sliding "right - left" and forward as well as moving the ball in front of the body "right - left". 7- End the attack with a ground stroke "below the line" especially when placing the opponent "2", "midfield" especially when placing the opponent "1" the falling ball "especially when placing the opponent" 1,2 "- for competition on the grassy surface: - 1 - Priority of activating the network attack method due to the soft nature of the grass surface and the slow recoil of the ball from it 2- Focusing on the accuracy of the technical guidance of the transmission strokes to the areas (3, 2, 1) of the transmission box respectively. 3- Activating both the direct attack pattern on the network 4- Preparation from the back field and advancing on the net, respectively 4- Optimizing the use of combining progressive strikes, ground The plane, then the ground, respectively, by adjusting the forward and side movement "right - left" and then straight forward to attack the grid and the consequent performance of this "stopping step" to take the appropriate hit position "closed - open" because of its critical importance in restoring balance when stopping Sudden, whether to perform a progressive strike or to end the attack with any of the flying or overwhelming strikes 5- 5- End the attack with the diagonal plane blow opposite to the direction especially when placing the opponent “1”, down the line, especially when placing the opponent “2”. 7 - End the attack with both the Qatari overwhelming blow, down the line, and midfield, especially when placing the opponent "9, 8, 5", respectively, at the moment of ending the attack. - With regard to competition on the acrylic steel surface: - 1- The priority of activating the attack method on the network due to the nature of the flat acrylic surface and the rapid rebound of the ball from it. 2- Focusing on the accuracy of the technical orientation of the transmission strokes to the "2, 1 and 3" areas of the transmission box, respectively. 3- Activate both the attack pattern by preparing from the back field and advancing on the network, the direct attack pattern on the network, respectively. - With regard to competition on the rubber tartan surface: - 1 - The priority of activating the attack method from the front of the baseline due to the nature of the rubber surface and the low rapid rebound of the ball from it. 2- Focusing on the accuracy of the technical orientation of the transmission strikes to the “2, 3, and 1” areas of the transmission box, respectively. 3- Activate advanced attack .


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