The effect of educational units using some types of education technology on the targeted behavioral outputs in volleyball for students of the Department of Physical Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (a comparative study)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Sports Education, Mansoura University, Mansoura. Egypt


Research objective:
The general objective of this study is to try to identify the effect of educational units using some types of educational technology on the targeted behavioral outputs in volleyball for students of the Department of Physical Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (a comparative study)
The researcher used the experimental approach using the three experimental groups design, for the pre and dimensional measurements of the three experimental groups due to its suitability to the nature of the research.
The research community was chosen intentionally, from the first level students in the Department of Physical Education at the University College, Umm Al-Qura University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the second semester of the academic year 2013 AD / 2014 AD, and the number is (195) students, where the researcher has chosen the basic research sample in a random and regular way, The number reached (90) students, (46.2%) of the total research community
In light of the objectives, assumptions and sample of the research, and through statistical treatments of data, the researcher reached the following conclusions:
- There are statistically significant differences in the dimensional measurements of the three experimental groups that use some types of educational technology (multimedia - highly interfering means - electronic course) on the targeted behavioral outputs (cognitive - skill - emotional) in volleyball for first level students in the Department of Physical Education at the University College Umm Al-Qura University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- There are statistically significant differences in the improvement ratios of the dimensional measurements of the third experimental group, which uses the electronic course on the targeted behavioral (cognitive) outputs in volleyball for first-level students in the Department of Physical Education at the University College, Umm Al-Qura University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- There are statistically significant differences in the improvement ratios of the dimensional measurements of the first experimental group that uses multimedia on the targeted (skill) behavioral outputs in volleyball for first-level students in the Department of Physical Education at the University College, Umm Al-Qura University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- There are no statistically significant differences in the improvement ratios of the dimensional measurements of the three experimental groups under research on the targeted behavioral (emotional) outputs in volleyball for first-level students in the Department of Physical Education at the University College, Umm Al-Qura University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- The first experimental group that used multimedia got the first order, followed by the third experimental group which uses electronic courses and then the second group which uses the highly interfering means in the third place in the skill variables under discussion, where the improvement rates in the first group reached 108.95% in the test The transmitter skill from below faces, 158.73% in the transmitter skill test from the top facing, 173.28% in the passing skill test from below forearms, 153.05% in the passing skill test from top and forward.
- The third experimental group got the first order, followed by the second experimental group and then the first group ranked third in the cognitive variables in volleyball under discussion.


Main Subjects