The effect of a taekwondo educational program with the merging and isolation system on some physical variables, skills, and withdrawal behavior of children with hearing impairment

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education for girls, Zagazig University


The research aims to build an educational program for taekwondo sports with integration and isolation systems and know its effect on improving some of the physical variables under consideration, learn some basic skills of taekwondo, and reduce the withdrawal behavior of children with hearing impairment, The researcher used the experimental method for two experimental groups, and the sample included the fifth elementary students of hearing impaired children in "Amal Primary School" for the deaf and dumb in Sharkia governorate, and the number (45) students were divided into (15 children for the first experimental sample for integration), (15 children for the sample Second Pilot for Isolation), (15 children for exploratory study), in addition to (30) ordinary children from om elabtal primary school, and they were divided into (15 children for the inclusion group), (15 children for exploratory study), The most important results indicated the presence of statistically significant differences between the measurements before and after the physical variables and basic skills in taekwondo under discussion, the withdrawal behavior of both experimental groups (inclusivity - isolation), in favor of dimensional measurements, low behavior drawing, and improvement of social skills for children with hearing impairment , And the first experimental group (merger group) outperformed the second experimental group (isolation group) in all study variables, and the researcher recommended the need to take advantage of the results of this study and conduct a similar study on other groups with special needs Of


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