An analytical study of sports players ’attitudes in Dakahlia Governorate towards the role of a sports psychologist

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education - Damietta University - Egypt


Research objective: The current research aims to conduct an analytical study of the attitudes of athletes of sports activities in Dakahlia governorate towards the role of the sports psychologist, according to the gender variable, the variable of the level of practice, and the variable of the nature of the activity group.
The method used: The researcher used the descriptive approach.
The research sample: The basic research sample was randomly chosen from the players of different sports activities (soccer, handball, volleyball, judo, karate, swimming, table tennis), and its strength reached 550 players as a basic sample from the sports activities players in sports clubs in the governorate Dakahlia, with a rate of 25.53% of the total clubs in Dakahlia Governorate In addition to 80 players from inside the research community and from outside the basic sample.
The most important results: The results indicated that a measure of the attitudes of athletes towards the role of the sports psychologist has been reached; where the research results indicate that this scale is a tool of data collection towards positive or negative expectations of trends for athletes towards the role of the psychiatrist, and the results also indicate that the response rate For the scale as a whole it reached 83.40%, and this percentage may have resulted from a neutral sample of athletes. The members of the research sample have greater attitudes towards the role of the sports psychologist. Athletes need to head to a sports psychologist to help them improve their performance.


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