The effect of using reverse learning supported by networked navigation on cognitive achievement and the trend towards electronic evaluation in exercises for students of the Faculty of Physical Education

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Physical Education - Faculty of Physical Education - Damietta University


The effect of using reverse learning supported by networked navigation on cognitive achievement and the trend towards electronic evaluation in exercises for students of the Faculty of Physical Education

The research aims to identify The effect of using reverse learning supported by networked navigation on cognitive achievement and the trend towards electronic evaluation in exercises for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, The researcher used the experimental method for suitability objectives and research hypotheses by using the experimental design of the two groups, the control group and the Experimental group, and by the two measurements (pre - posttest) for each group, The basic sample was (60 students), were divided randomly into two groups were both (20 students), The researchers based the means and tools that work for the realization of this research, The most important results that surpasses the experimental group, which underwent reverse learning supported by networked navigation on The control group that underwent the method used (explanation and model), The researcher recommends the use of student-centered teaching methods such as reverse learning..


Main Subjects