Biomechanical performance of some basic motor skills on concrete and sand fields and their relationship to sports injuries among primary school Pupils

Document Type : Original Article


1 sports health science ,faculity of physical eddcation, Damietta unvirsite

2 Department of Sports Health Science Faculty of Sport Education Damietta University


The researchers used the descriptive method using two-dimensional video photography and kinetic analysis for its suitability and the nature of the study, and the research sample was chosen intentionally from primary school pupils for the fourth primary grade, at a school in the January 25 school in New Damietta City in Damietta Governorate, and they were (5) students and a number (100) was chosen Male pupil, from the third to the sixth primary grade to identify the most common sports injuries on both the concrete and sand fields when practicing the basic skills under discussion and football activity as the most practiced sports in schools and playing in School break.
Important results
1- The differences were statistically significant in the biomechanical variables in favor of the concrete stadium except for the preliminary stage in running and jumping skills. The differences were in favor of the sand field.
2- It was concluded that the largest percentage of correlation between the biomechanical variables under investigation and the effectiveness of performance during the performance of basic motor skills on the concrete and sand fields was in favor of the sand field.
3- The most common and common injuries among the pupils were the research sample on the solid concrete field, compared to the sand field.


Main Subjects