The effectiveness of the combination of e-learning and traditional learning at the level of performance of some Basic skills in basketball for prep sports students

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Physical Education, Girls University of Zagazig


- The use of a combination of electronic and traditional learning has a significant statistical effect at a level (0.05) on the level of performance of some basic skills (interlocutor - chest pass - aiming from persistence) in basketball by studying physical education for first grade students in the preparatory school for sports in Zagazig
The use of traditional learning has a statistically significant positive effect at the level (0.05) on the level of performance of some basic skills (interlocutory - chest pass - aiming from persistence) in basketball with a physical education lesson for first grade students in the preparatory sports scho

- The members of the experimental group (e-learning and traditional) surpassed the control group (traditional learning) in the dimensional measurements in the level of performance of some basic skills in basketball by studying physical education for first grade students in the preparatory sports school in Zagazig
The members of the experimental group (electronic and traditional learning) outperformed the control group (traditional learning) in the proportions of the improvement of the distance measurement from the tribal level in the performance level of some basic skills in basketball, where the improvement rates for the experimental group were (52.02% - 409.26%), while the ratios were The improvement for the control group (40.66% - 300.00%).


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