Transfer of Learning Skill Penalty Throw in Team-Handball To Learn the Skill of The Penalty Shot in The Water Polo in Terms of Some Kinematics Variables

Document Type : Original Article


1 Kinesiology of department, physical education of sport, Damietta university

2 Curriculum & Teaching Methods Faculty Of Sports Education, damietta University


The research aims to identify the effect of transferring learning the Penalty Throw in Team-Handball to of Penalty Shot in water polo, the researchers used the experimental method, using pre and post measurement for two groups. Experimental and control, The researchers used the Schmidt design to convey the impact of learning, And the research community included all the first year students for the academic year (2019/2020), and they (223) students, The researchers selected (20) students intentionally, representing the basic research sample, randomly distributed to two groups (experimental and controlling). Each group is (10) students, in addition to a group of (10) students for exploratory study, The kinematic variables were under consideration: Elbow Angle, Shoulder Angle, Head Height, Trunk Rotation, Ball Velocity, The most important conclusions were that The proposed water polo education program affected the variables under discussion for both the experimental and control group, The skill of Penalty Throw in Team-Handball is a positive factor in the transmission of the effect of learning on the skill of penalty shot in water polo, Applying the educational program in the handball skill before starting to learn the skill of penalty shot in water polo, Implementation of the proposed education program in learning the skill of penalty shot in water polo.


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