Personality traits and their relationship with psychological endurance and achievement motivation for excellent football players (B)

Document Type : Original Article


Minia University, Faculty of Physical Education


"Allawi, Mohammed Hassan" (1998, p. 135) confirms that personality traits are one of the important requirements for reaching players to high levels. Most players at the advanced level converge to a great degree in the physical, skill, and planning aspect, but there is an important factor that determines their struggle and competence during sports competitions in order to Achievement and win is the psychological factor.
"Shimon, Ismail" (2002, p. 5) indicates that the achievement motivation means the desire to perform well and achieve success. It is a subjective goal that activates and directs behavior and is an important component of success. It is also a group of feelings that motivate the player to engage in activities and reach the desired goals.
Ratib (2000 AD, p. 157) indicates that the motivation for achievement is the effort made by the player with the aim of successfully accomplishing the duties and tasks assigned to him in training, competition and perseverance to face failure and a sense of pride when completing these duties and tasks.
The current research problem stems from the fact that football players are subjected to severe psychological endurance during training and competitions, which exposes them to many negative effects that affect the progress of their level during training and competitions, so they enter them in a state of psychological conflict that affects their motivation, personal characteristics, achievement, and excellence during competition positions. Sports


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