
Document Type : Original Article


faculty of physical education for girls fleming alexandria university


The effect of an educational program using class theater to teach some handball skills and improve the kinesthetic perception of students in the first cycle of basic education
Prof. Badour Mohamed Adel El-Bili (*)

This research aims to teach some handball skills and improve the kinesthetic perception of primary school pupils using the class theater. The researcher used the experimental approach to design two groups, one experimental and the other controlled, due to its relevance to the nature of the research. The sample was chosen randomly from the research community .The total research sample consisted of (90) male and female students, and they were divided into: (25) male and female students for the experimental group. (25) Male and female students for the control group. (40) Male and female students as a sample for the pilot study to codify the tests used in the research
Among the most important results was that the program for developing kinesthetic perception had a positive effect in improving some of the variables of kinesthetic perception for primary school pupils. The proposed educational program using the theater of the class contributed to improving the level of performance of some basic skills in handball (under research),
The proposed educational program using classroom theater to teach some handball skills and improve some dynamic perception variables is more effective than the traditional program


Main Subjects