Keyword Index


  • Aesthetic The role of the one-day camp in providing some aesthetic values ​​for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Alexandria University [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 184-212]
  • Agility Use Speed, Agility, and Quickness exercises to improve the quantum kinematic properties of offensive performance in Epee [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • A Quality Ballet Exercises A comparative Study between Two Types from Beginning to Perform the Split Leap with 1/1 turn 360˚ in Time Structure and Some Mechanical Properties as A Basis for A Quality Ballet Exercises Program [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 153-183]


  • Biomechanical A study of some biomechanical variables of the jumping skill in the kinetic rotation Kankashu-kata as a basis for developing specific exercises for kata players [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 213-280]
  • Biomechanics The effect of the use of transfer training on some bio-kinematical variables and the accuracy of the touch to the skill of a Cope of foil fencers. [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 136-152]


  • CAMP The role of the one-day camp in providing some aesthetic values ​​for students of the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Alexandria University [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 184-212]
  • Creativity The relationship between the level of administrative performance and the level of administrative creativity of those in charge of managing sports activities in some Egyptian sports clubs [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 45-89]


  • Epee Use Speed, Agility, and Quickness exercises to improve the quantum kinematic properties of offensive performance in Epee [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 89-124]


  • Mechanical Properties A comparative Study between Two Types from Beginning to Perform the Split Leap with 1/1 turn 360˚ in Time Structure and Some Mechanical Properties as A Basis for A Quality Ballet Exercises Program [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 153-183]


  • Quickness Use Speed, Agility, and Quickness exercises to improve the quantum kinematic properties of offensive performance in Epee [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 89-124]


  • Snatch Effect of S.A.Q Exercises on Some Physical Abilities and the Effectiveness of Snatch for Youth Girls Weightlifters [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 11-44]
  • Speed Use Speed, Agility, and Quickness exercises to improve the quantum kinematic properties of offensive performance in Epee [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • Split Leap with 1/1 turn A comparative Study between Two Types from Beginning to Perform the Split Leap with 1/1 turn 360˚ in Time Structure and Some Mechanical Properties as A Basis for A Quality Ballet Exercises Program [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 153-183]


  • The S.A.Q exercises Effect of S.A.Q Exercises on Some Physical Abilities and the Effectiveness of Snatch for Youth Girls Weightlifters [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 11-44]
  • Time Structure A comparative Study between Two Types from Beginning to Perform the Split Leap with 1/1 turn 360˚ in Time Structure and Some Mechanical Properties as A Basis for A Quality Ballet Exercises Program [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 153-183]


  • Weightlifters Effect of S.A.Q Exercises on Some Physical Abilities and the Effectiveness of Snatch for Youth Girls Weightlifters [Volume 027, Issue 027, 2020, Pages 11-44]