Author Index


  • Eldahrawy, Sohaib The effect of ballistic training on muscular capacity in light of the electrical activity of the working muscles at the moment of elimination of javelin players. [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 51-70]
  • Eldeeb, Mohamed Atef Ahmed A training program via the Zoom app to maintain the fitness of aerobic gymnasts during the suspension of sports activity due to the outbreak of the Corona virus [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 91-110]
  • El hanafy, Naser mohammed An Analytical Study of the 2019 World Championship for the Most Used and Effective Skills for "Sanda" Players [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 111-130]
  • El hanafy, Naser mohammed The effect of directing the SAQ training loads according to the biorhythm path on improving the opposite support of some offensive skills of "sanda" players in the sport of (kung fu) [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 131-150]


  • Mansour, omneya mohamed hussien mohamed mansour The impact of the use of the educational scaffolding strategy in some aspects of the learning of the basketball course for the students of the 4th Division at the Faculty of Sports Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 045, Issue 045, 2020, Pages 71-90]