Author Index


  • Eid Abdul Karim, Abdul Karim An analytical study of some offensive tactical performances of the front and back teams of Darwa Kuwaiti soccer League [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 169-188]
  • Elgizawy, Helal Hassan Muscles Activity Ratios of Forehand Smash As A Training Loads Indicator for Wheelchair Para-Badminton Players [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 330-348]
  • Elgizawy, Helal Hassan Three-dimensional motion analysis of biomechanical variables and their relationships with the forehand-clear skill performance of wheelchair para-badminton players [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 349-386]
  • Elshorbagy, Osama تأثير تدريبات الساکيو (S.A.Q) على فعالية الأداء المهارى لمهارة الغطس والاختراق للاعبى المصارعة [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 275-297]


  • Farouk, Ahmed The effect of using different strategies for apical tapering on some training gains in short distances runners [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 148-168]


  • Mohamed, Amr said ibrahim Daily lifestyle and its relationship to fat percentage and weight gain for athletes [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 189-217]


  • Zaghloul, Melody the role of physical education curriculum content ant its teachers in imparting the principles of citizenships as one of the contemporary educational trends for primary school students [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 90-131]
  • Zayed, Mohamed Muscles Activity Ratios of Forehand Smash As A Training Loads Indicator for Wheelchair Para-Badminton Players [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 330-348]
  • Zayed, Mohamed Three-dimensional motion analysis of biomechanical variables and their relationships with the forehand-clear skill performance of wheelchair para-badminton players [Volume 050, Issue 050, 2021, Pages 349-386]