Author Index


  • Abdel-Hamid, Magda Fathi Effectiveness of using introductory games in learning some basic skills in field hockey for deaf mute students [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 174-190]
  • Ali, Rasha Abdel Qader Biomechanical indicators of triple jumping performance for contestants of different numerical levels [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 113-155]


  • EL-SAID, Nemat Salah The effect of adjusted trampoline training on disordered body image and psychological happiness of women . [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 156-173]
  • EL-SARSI, Emad Abdel Fattah The effect of using some specific exercises on the body mass index (BMI), some physiological variables, and the level of kata performance for young people in karate. [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 73-94]


  • IBRAHIM, Dina Izzat Muhammad The effect of using some specific exercises on the body mass index (BMI), some physiological variables, and the level of kata performance for young people in karate. [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 73-94]


  • Magazi, wlaa Muhammad Development of a Specialized Applications Course in Kinetic Expression for the Fourth Division (Education Division) in light of the quality standards and in accordance with the market requirements [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 1-229]
  • Musa, Muhammad Awad Musa Differences and similarities in the tactical variants of the technique of attacking multiple surfaces of tennis courts [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 44-72]


  • Radwan, Radwan Mustafa The effectiveness of using concept maps using the Presentations Program at the level of knowledge achievement in the material of mathematics education [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 95-112]


  • Soliman, Mohamed Mahmoud The effect of explosive force development using ballistic exercises on the speed of movement of the two legs of young under-15 competitors [Volume 011, Issue 011, 2019, Pages 191-212]