Keyword Index


  • Academic Academic adaptation and its relationship student/teacher teaching skills in volleyball teaching methods syllabus. Faculty of Physical Education, Alexandria University [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 309-326]
  • Achievement Motivation Achievement relationship and personality traits with the digital level of swimmers in North Sinai [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 180-202]
  • Attack Predictive values of playing positions and attack entrances in terms of the physical abilities of wrestlers [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 309-326]


  • Biomechanical Biomechanical movement of the center of gravity and the center of gravity of the bar and their relationship to digital achievement In the clean of lifting weightlifters [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 122-146]


  • Cascade relaxation The effect of cascade relaxation exercises on some psychological and physiological implications Among preparatory year students [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 225-248]
  • Center gravity Biomechanical movement of the center of gravity and the center of gravity of the bar and their relationship to digital achievement In the clean of lifting weightlifters [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 122-146]
  • Curriculum basketball The effect of using the Google Classroom program on some aspects of learning the basketball course among first year students at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 91-121]


  • Discriminatory indicators Determination of the discriminatory indicators of "kumite" karate players in light of the analysis of tactical maps of world champions [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 327-342]
  • Down syndrome The effectiveness of a training program for harmonic capabilities on approaching speed flying and the digital achievement of the long jump for Down syndrome runner [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 11-33]


  • Educational The effectiveness of a program in educational matches in improving skill performance and attribution of legal errors to Volleyball Beginners [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 249-272]


  • Google، classroom Program The effect of using the Google Classroom program on some aspects of learning the basketball course among first year students at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls at Alexandria University [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 91-121]


  • Harmonic capabilities The effectiveness of a training program for harmonic capabilities on approaching speed flying and the digital achievement of the long jump for Down syndrome runner [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 11-33]


  • Karate Determination of the discriminatory indicators of "kumite" karate players in light of the analysis of tactical maps of world champions [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 327-342]


  • Matches The effectiveness of a program in educational matches in improving skill performance and attribution of legal errors to Volleyball Beginners [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 249-272]


  • SMART The effect of using smart basketball on the performance level of some offensive skills for Young women basketball 94fifty [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 203-224]


  • Tactical maps Determination of the discriminatory indicators of "kumite" karate players in light of the analysis of tactical maps of world champions [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 327-342]


  • Woman The effect of using smart basketball on the performance level of some offensive skills for Young women basketball 94fifty [Volume 029, Issue 029, 2020, Pages 203-224]