Keyword Index


  • Abilities The effect of a training program using A.S.Q training exercises on improving some physical abilities and the level of skill performance of dueling players in the New Valley [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 175-212]
  • Ability of Muscle The Effect of Using Contrast Training During the Pre-season Period on the Level of Ability of Muscle for Basketball Female Players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 408-420]
  • Anthropometric Variables Visualization of the graphic network for anthropometric and physical diagnosis, mental visualization and digital level For long jump players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 374-407]


  • Basketball Female Players The Effect of Using Contrast Training During the Pre-season Period on the Level of Ability of Muscle for Basketball Female Players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 408-420]
  • Biomechanical Studying Some Biomechanical and Physiological Changes for the First-class and Under-20 Years 400m Runners [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 260-284]


  • Cerebral thrombosis The effect of using rehabilitative exercises with compressed oxygen to improve the functional efficiency of a patient Cerebral thrombosis [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 151-174]
  • Companies The economic effects of transnational tourism companies on the recreational tourism movement in Egypt (applying to the recreational tourism sector in the Red Sea and South Sinai) [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 213-259]
  • Complex training The Effect of Complex Training on the Productivity of Ability during the Take-Off in Long Jump Event [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 285-303]
  • Contrast Training The Effect of Using Contrast Training During the Pre-season Period on the Level of Ability of Muscle for Basketball Female Players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 408-420]
  • Create spaces in football mpact of schematic maps for Positional Play to create spaces using Rondo exercises Ali effectiveness of the collective attack performance of football players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 89-124]


  • Graphic grid Visualization of the graphic network for anthropometric and physical diagnosis, mental visualization and digital level For long jump players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 374-407]


  • KAATSU training The effect of Kaatsu training on small blood elements, some physical variables & The performance level of the shot put competition. [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 331-373]


  • Positional play philosophy mpact of schematic maps for Positional Play to create spaces using Rondo exercises Ali effectiveness of the collective attack performance of football players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 89-124]
  • Productivity of Ability The Effect of Complex Training on the Productivity of Ability during the Take-Off in Long Jump Event [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 285-303]
  • Program The effect of a rehabilitation program inside and outside the aqueous milieu on improving respiratory cardiovascular fitness and some biochemical variables and quality of life for smokers [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 125-150]


  • Recreational The economic effects of transnational tourism companies on the recreational tourism movement in Egypt (applying to the recreational tourism sector in the Red Sea and South Sinai) [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 213-259]
  • Rondo drills Group offensive performance mpact of schematic maps for Positional Play to create spaces using Rondo exercises Ali effectiveness of the collective attack performance of football players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 89-124]


  • Sakio The effect of a training program using A.S.Q training exercises on improving some physical abilities and the level of skill performance of dueling players in the New Valley [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 175-212]
  • Schematic maps mpact of schematic maps for Positional Play to create spaces using Rondo exercises Ali effectiveness of the collective attack performance of football players [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 89-124]


  • Take-Off The Effect of Complex Training on the Productivity of Ability during the Take-Off in Long Jump Event [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 285-303]
  • Trainings The effect of a training program using A.S.Q training exercises on improving some physical abilities and the level of skill performance of dueling players in the New Valley [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 175-212]
  • T.R.X tool Effectiveness of using the T.R.X tool on the muscle ability of discus throw competitors [Volume 032, Issue 032, 2020, Pages 34-88]