Keyword Index


  • And skillful performances The effect of saku training (S.A.Q) on the level of some special physical abilities and the combined skill performances of the Egyptian kumite team juniors [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 273-312]
  • Auditory and motor rhythm Effectiveness of an educational program using Auditory and motor rhythm in developing front crawl swimming skill level for students at faculty of physical education for girls in Alexandria [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 110-149]


  • Biathle The competitive orientation of Biathle swimmers under 17 years old and its relationship to the attribution style [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 150-175]
  • Biomechanics The predictive value of muscle strength in terms of some anthropometric measurements as an indicator of injury prevention [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 24-43]


  • Electronic Advertising The role of electronic advertising in the purchasing decision of consumers of sports products in the Arab Republic of Egypt [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 44-72]


  • Individual and team games coaches Mental alertness and psychological distress in a sample of individual sports and team sports coaches: a comparative study [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 176-225]


  • Karate The effect of different training surfaces on some physical - skill variables and level of performance of female karate players [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 356-380]
  • Kinematic : The effect of myotatic exercises in terms of some kinematic indicators on improving long jump racers. [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 73-109]


  • Myotatic : The effect of myotatic exercises in terms of some kinematic indicators on improving long jump racers. [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 73-109]


  • Psychological differentiation Psychological differentiation and its relationship to cognitive achievement and the trend towards e-learning for students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Alexandria University [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 313-356]


  • Sake training (S.A.Q) The effect of saku training (S.A.Q) on the level of some special physical abilities and the combined skill performances of the Egyptian kumite team juniors [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 273-312]
  • Short Distance A comparative study in the Nutrition knowledge of short distance swimmers [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 226-272]
  • Special physical abilities The effect of saku training (S.A.Q) on the level of some special physical abilities and the combined skill performances of the Egyptian kumite team juniors [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 273-312]
  • Strength The predictive value of muscle strength in terms of some anthropometric measurements as an indicator of injury prevention [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 24-43]
  • Swimmers A comparative study in the Nutrition knowledge of short distance swimmers [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 226-272]


  • Training surfaces The effect of different training surfaces on some physical - skill variables and level of performance of female karate players [Volume 043, Issue 0043, 2020, Pages 356-380]